Holistic Health – The Importance of Knowing
It is rather unfortunate that many women, young and old, know little to nothing about their own bodies. Cultural taboos and a systemic neglect in the research of and funding for women’s health has meant that preventable illnesses become lifelong, undiagnosed pain for women all over the world. Familiarizing oneself with PCOS treatment, the management of endometriosis, the prevention of osteoporosis and breast cancer, are all essential health-related conversations that are absolutely essential to have.
Women’s reproductive health is not some alternate system that has no bearing on their quality of life, rather, it affects everything including their moods, happiness and mental health. In this guide, we cover some of the basics so you can know more about your body, learn to identify symptoms of common ailments, and readily consult a professional if you feel something is amiss.
Hormones – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The female anatomy has several hormones which regulate several bodily functions and have a direct impact on weight, energy, vitality, and moods. The reproductive hormones found in women’s bodies are progesterone and estrogen, which work with other systems to manage your health, govern your fertility and endow on you the capacity to give life. Of these two, progesterone ensures the correct and smooth functioning of the ovaries. It is a diuretic as well as an antidepressant and regularizes your menstrual cycle. Progesterone also helps in maintaining your blood oxygen levels. Estrogen also serves a similar function in your body and is directly linked to the development of secondary sex characteristics besides genitalia, including the breasts and hips. Menstruation, pregnancy and menopause are all reproductive functions enabled by the prevalence of estrogen in the female body.
What happens when the functionality of these hormones is not in its A-game? Firstly, painful and irregular periods, diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis, depression and mood disorders, digestive issues, bone and blood issues, inability or incapacity to manage weight leading to obesity and related health concerns, inability to conceive, trouble with memory, irregularity in sleep and insomnia.
Hormonal Imbalances- Causes and Effects
The difference in the endocrine organs between women and men means women have a higher proclivity to hormonal imbalances and issues as compared to men. The important thing to note here is that not all women have the same systems, nor the same iteration of the disorders. Pre-existing medical conditions, genetic predisposition, environment, diet and lifestyle all contribute to each individual’s reproductive health. Knowing this takes away the taboo and shame associated with women’s issues, opening up the possibility of and access to gynecological medicine such as genital warts treatment. Here is a guide to common ailments caused owing to hormonal imbalances:
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome- This common endocrine disorder causes imbalance in reproductive hormones. Symptoms include trouble losing weight, excessive hair growth, irregular and painful periods, acne and potential infertility. Up to 70% of women who have PCOS remain undiagnosed, and those diagnosed constitute 8-13% of all reproductive-aged women.
- Turner Syndrome- Rarely occurring syndrome where women are born with only one x-functioning chromosome.
- Primary Ovarian Insufficiency- This less-common condition is when the ovaries cannot produce the sufficient amount of reproductive hormones required for regular functionality, causing irregularities in the menstrual cycle and early onset of menopause.
- Cushing’s syndrome- Excessive cortisol production leads to high blood pressure, serious menstrual irregularities, and a proclivity to rapid weight gain.
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)- People with genetic predisposition to this disorder have an imbalance in their hormones, causing dysfunction in the regulation of the immune system and metabolism.
- Addison’s disease- A rare disorder where hormonal imbalances are caused owing to a lower production of aldosterone and cortisol. The disease causes fatigue, sleep issues and drastic weight loss.
Treatments- A Short Debrief
Once again, it is important to emphasize that because everyone’s bodies are different, so should be the treatment of their particular ailment. The best gynecologist in Dubai is one that considers these differentials and recommends a treatment plan underpinned by the knowledge of the causes, genetics, specific imbalances and with due consideration of lifestyle. A very brief rundown of the common treatments for women’s hormonal and reproductive health disorders-
- Birth Control Pills- The most common treatment to regularize hormones are birth control pills, which contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone. Symptoms most commonly treated are those of PCOS, including irregular periods, PCOS, heavy bleeding and irritability.
- Vaginal Estrogen- Not as common, but quite effective nonetheless, is vaginal estrogen, which is used to treat issues such as vaginal dryness, itching and burning, without altering the pH or estrogen levels of the vagina. This is used for patients who complain of abnormal pain during intercourse.
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)- A common therapy for relief of menopausal symptoms, administered in a variety of forms including pills, gels, creams, vaginal solutions, and patches.
It is important to ensure that all forms of self-medication are avoided. It is also important to reassure oneself that reproductive health issues are not a death sentence, and the field of gynecology sees immense advancement and progress every day.
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